Breaking News: Kano gov ‘orders’ demolition of Emir Bayero’s residence - Watchtower media

Breaking News: Kano gov ‘orders’ demolition of Emir Bayero’s residence
In a swift and controversial move, Governor Abba Yusuf Kabir of Kano State has ordered the demolition of Nasarawa Palace, the official residence of the deposed Emir of Kano, Aminu Ado Bayero. The directive, issued shortly after the Federal High Court in Kano reinstated Sanusi Lamido Sanusi as the 16th Emir of Kano, has stirred up public outrage and political upheaval in the region.
The Kano State Government has wasted no time in instructing the Commissioner of Police to immediately evict Bayero from the historic palace, which is state-owned. The government has further declared that the iconic building will be torn down to pave the way for reconstruction, setting the stage for a turbulent clash between tradition and governance.

Amidst the whirlwind of events, questions surrounding the legality and motives behind Governor Kabir's decision loom large. The unexpected turn of events has sparked concerns over political interference in traditional institutions and sparked heated debates on the preservation of cultural heritage against the backdrop of modern governance.
As the people of Kano brace for an uncertain future, the fate of Nasarawa Palace remains uncertain, and the echoes of power struggles reverberate through the ancient city, leaving observers on edge and waiting for the next chapter in this unfolding saga.

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