Italian Man Who Beat Nigerian To Dëäth With Crutches Jailed 24 Years - Watchtower media

Italian Man Who Beat Nigerian To Dëäth With Crutches Jailed 24 Years

A court sitting in Italy has sentenced the country’s citizen, Filippo Ferlazzo, to 24 years in prison for beating up a Nigerian, Alika Ogorchukwu, to death.

The unsavoury development happened on July 30, 2022, at Marche Region of Italy, as confirmed at the time by the Nigerian Embassy, Rome, Italy.
The convict, according to the Nigerians in Diaspora Commission (NidCOM), used the crutches Ogorchukwu was using to walk to beat him up to death.

The Nigerian’s demise drew widespread reaction from Nigerians at the time, especially for the fact that passersby were seen making videos of the attack, with little or no attempt to prevent it.

The Nigerian Embassy in Italy then collaborated with relevant Italian authorities to ensure justice was served and to provide succour to the family of the deceased.
On Thursday, the Chairman/CEO of the Nigerians in Diaspora Commission (NiDCOM), Abike Dabiri-Erewa, disclosed that justice has been served in the matter.

Dabiri-Erewa added that though the life lost can never be replaced, the federal government was satisfied with the justice meted out on Filippo Ferlazzo.

“The Convict bagged 24 years jail term on Wednesday for causing the death of a 39-year-old Nigerian man who was on crutches, walking in a Marche coastal city in July 2022.

“It could be recalled that in July 29, 2022, Alika Ogorchukwu was assaulted in broad daylight as he was walking. The attacker beat Ogorchukwu to death using Ogorchukwu’s crutches in front of several onlookers, who did not intervene. Some of the onlookers, however, recorded videos of the attack using their phones,” Dabiri-Erewa added in a statement on Thursday from
Gabriel Odu of NIDCOM’s Media, Public Relations and Protocol Unit.

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